Release notes

Raijin Database 2.1.4621

  1. The field name _id is now reserved for the primary key column. Attempting to include it in the data will cause an error.

  2. Raijin now automatically sets sane values for memory settings based on the following limits, in order of precedence: CGroups v2 memory limits, NOMAD_MEMORY_LIMIT environment variable, or available physical memory.

Raijin Database 2.0.4562 (Hotfix 1)

  1. Following the fix of column statistics in affected databases must be rebuilt using JSON export and import

Raijin Database 2.0.4559

  1. This version introduces new multidimensional table partitioning

  2. Updated OpenAPI spec with latest Query and Ingestion endpoints

  3. Raijin 2.0 falls back to standard sorting if optimized hits memory limit

  4. Fixed issue with missing heap files after flush during recovery

  5. Due to partitioning changes, existing databases must be manually exported, recreated, and imported into the new storage layout when upgrading from v1.5 or older to Raijin v2.0

  6. Due to directory structure changes in Raijin v1.5, migration from v1.4 or older requires backing up the old data, upgrading Raijin, copying the database folders from /opt/raijin/data to the new /opt/raijin/data/db/ location, starting Raijin v2.0, and verifying database accessibility

  7. Table and view renaming doesn’t work appropriately when destination database is different from source one

  8. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin

Raijin Database 1.5.4498

  1. This version introduces the use of the data directory as the base that contains all the stateful files

  2. Metrics endpoint does not require authentication anymore

  3. Introduced support of Authorization header in API

  4. LIKE/ILIKE now use substring search instead of regex

  5. Fixed issue with target list in certain subselect cases

  6. Added missing /authentications/current endpoint to Swagger docs

  7. Due to directory structure changes in Raijin v1.5, migration from v1.4 or older requires backing up the old data, upgrading Raijin, copying the database folders from /opt/raijin/data to the new /opt/raijin/data/db/ location, starting Raijin v1.5, and verifying database accessibility

  8. Table and view renaming doesn’t work appropriately when destination database is different from source one

  9. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin

Raijin Database 1.4.4466

  1. This version introduces SHOW USERS, SHOW VERSION and SHOW VIEWS commands

  2. Increased column name length limit

  3. Extended partition management endpoints to target partitions by directory name

  4. Introduced UNSIGNED data type syntax

  5. Fixed issue where swagger ignores https

  6. MATCH predicate now throws error on non-string columns

  7. Added support for unordered selects

  8. Fixed error when stopping/restarting Raijin with locked tables

  9. Table and view renaming doesn’t work appropriately when destination database is different from source one.

  10. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin.

Raijin Database 1.3.4379

  1. This version introduces username/password authentication.

  2. Implemented protected SQL statements execution, granular user authorization via SQL GRANT command and user management capabilities like CREATE/DROP USER.

  3. Raijin can now detect and respect CGroups memory limits.

  4. This version introduces optimization to avoid unnecessary data merging during aggregation and sorting.

  5. Fixed memory leaks and reduced memory usage during queries.

  6. Table and view renaming doesn’t work appropriately when destination database is different from source one.

  7. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin.

Raijin Database 1.2.4339

  1. Ingestion API response now contains details about ingestion errors.

  2. SQL views were added to Raijin for easier analytics over raw data.

  3. This version introduces the ability to update the partitioning expression.

  4. Table and view renaming doesn’t work appropriately when destination database is different from source one.

  5. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin.

Raijin Database 1.1.4257

  1. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin.

Raijin Database 1.0.4178

  1. The current release contains changes that break compatibility with earlier versions. It is necessary to export your data, recreate databases and tables, then import the data after the new install.

  2. The FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK and UNLOCK TABLES SQL commands have been implemented to make backups easier.

  3. Audit logging has been added to Raijin. Currently it logs SELECT and INSERT statements as well. The next version will have configuration to control what is audited.

  4. Partition management has been updated to support a full archival life-cycle.

  5. If Raijin is started with a command line switch missing an expected parameter, it will exit with a segmentation fault.

  6. FIXED: If the database runs out of disk space and is restarted, the database will be irrecoverably damaged. Disk space monitoring can help avoid this issue.
    Using EnableWal=false in raijin.conf disables Write Ahead Logging and prevents this error.

  7. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin.

Raijin Database 0.9.4100 (M9)

  1. Please take a time to backup your important data before updating Raijin!

  2. Raijin now supports HTTPS-connection and uses SSL-authentication. Default server certificates are available on install. Use SSL settings paragraph in raijin.conf to enable it.

  3. If the database runs out of disk space and is restarted, the database will be irrecoverably damaged. Disk space monitoring can help avoid this issue.
    Using EnableWal=false in raijin.conf disables Write Ahead Logging and prevents this error.

  4. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin.

  5. We added beta-version of JSON file upload through the UI. We recommend to use COPY function for ingesting big portions of data rather than UI functionality though.

  6. Log handling and rotation have been slightly changed. See Logging settings paragraph in raijin.conf for details.

Raijin Database 0.9.4043 (M8)

  1. If the database runs out of disk space and is restarted, the database will be irrecoverably damaged. Disk space monitoring can help avoid this issue.
    Using EnableWal=false in raijin.conf disables Write Ahead Logging and prevents this error.

  2. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin.

Raijin Database 0.9.3995 (M7)

  1. If the database runs out of disk space and is restarted, the database will be irrecoverably damaged. Disk space monitoring can help avoid this issue.
    Using EnableWal=false in raijin.conf disables Write Ahead Logging and prevents this error.

  2. If the timezone or timezone definitions are changed while Raijin is running it will keep using the timezone it cached on start. To enforce the new timezone setting, please restart Raijin.

Raijin Database 0.9.3961 (M6_HF1)

  1. This hotfix release corrects a bug causing incompatibility with nginx reverse proxies.

  2. If the database runs out of disk space and is restarted, the database will be irrecoverably damaged. Disk space monitoring can help avoid this issue.
    Using EnableWal=false in raijin.conf disables Write Ahead Logging and prevents this error.

  3. When running in a container please make sure time zone is set to TZ=Etc/UTC. There is currently a crash present in the logic determining the time zone when it is not set. This issue is scheduled to be corrected in the next release.

  4. The Raijin plugin for Grafana sets the visible fields based on the first record. Make sure you formulate your query so that the first record has all the fields you require in your visualization. This issue is scheduled to be corrected in the next release.

Raijin Database 0.9.3958 (M6)

  1. If the database runs out of disk space and is restarted, the database will be irrecoverably damaged. Disk space monitoring can help avoid this issue.
    Using EnableWal=false in raijin.conf disables Write Ahead Logging and prevents this error.

  2. When running in a container please make sure time zone is set to TZ=Etc/UTC. There is currently a crash present in the logic determining the time zone when it is not set. This issue is scheduled to be corrected in the next release.

  3. The Raijin plugin for Grafana sets the visible fields based on the first record. Make sure you formulate your query so that the first record has all the fields you require in your visualization. This issue is scheduled to be corrected in the next release.

Raijin Database 0.9.3901 (M5)

  1. If the database runs out of disk space and is restarted, the database will be irrecoverably damaged. Disk space monitoring can help avoid this issue.
    Using EnableWal=false in raijin.conf disables Write Ahead Logging and prevents this error.

  2. Autodetecting JSON datetime values is currently broken. The issue can be avoided by setting up a minimal table schema specifying the column type as DATETIME.